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It was the year 2013, when we husband and wife both lost our long time employment that we began searching for new avenues to feed our small family of 3. After cracking our heads, thinking of what to do next, by a stroke of luck, we noticed that there is a limited choices for cheap and safe toys in Malaysia.

Hence, with our limited resources and almost depleted savings, we took a leap of faith spent all of it to purchase newer, cheaper, and safer toys for Malaysia. We started by selling on a local e-commerce platform that was still in its infancy. We had to learn everything from scratch and with a lot of hard work coupled with many sleepless nights, we were able to sell off our first batch of toys. 

With a small profit in hand, we decided to reinvest them into our business and introduce more varieties to our online store. Since then, our customer base has been growing and we are now executing our expansion plan by bringing our brand new website to life.

As we focus on bringing smiles and joy to children and families all across Malaysia, we hope you will enjoy our new seasonal offerings and the experience of shopping with us. We look forward to elevating your shopping experience and growing together with you.

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